About Us
Through the leading of the Holy Spirit as people come, we are also able to guide you to connecting with your purpose by which you are then empowered to go out and impact the world around you.
First Thessalonians chapter 2 tells all about how to do ministry. It seems much of today’s church has skipped this teaching, but we aspire to follow the break down that Jesus, through Paul, left:
In verse 2, Paul says to preach the good news of the gospel courageously, even in the face of persecution. By this we understand that we must be brave in these final days. He then says to avoid impure motives and trickery (v. 3) and preaching to please people (v.4). We don’t need a sly self agenda to talk about Jesus… We just need to be real. We understand further from Jesus’ breakdown that we are not going to win everybody over when we preach truth, so we should not expect to. Our motive always is, as it should be, to please God (v.4) and not to receive praise from men (v.6).
Verse 5 says to avoid using flattery and to not be greedy. Verse 7 says do not be a burden and be gentle. Verse 7 also says to minister with great love, then minister with hard work (v.9). We are also to minister with holiness (v.10) and then, verse 11 says to encourage, comfort, and urge people to love God.
This is how we believe ministry should be done, and we endeavor to follow this formula.

Who we are?
We are a multicultural Church where people come to connect with God and fellowship with each other. We connect with God through His Word, Prayer, Revelation of Jesus and Worship. We connect with each other through Fellowship, Loving people and meeting their needs.
Through the leading of the Holy Spirit as people come, we are also able to guide you to connecting with your purpose by which you are then empowered to go out and impact the world around you.
Our Approach is Christ-directed, Purpose-driven, Prayer-led, Collaborative-based, and Service-oriented.

We will be a cutting edge International Ministry geared toward healing the Broken Hearted.

To bring the message of the Kingdom to lost souls guiding them to a state of divine encounter with God toward a deepened sense of fulfillment of their purpose on earth and in the kingdom of Christ. To empower believers in the body to use their gifts and fruits of the Spirit through the leading of the Holy Ghost to dominate in their sphere of daily influence for the Kingdom of Christ.

Core Values
Soul-focused, Grace-centered, Integrity, Love, Care, Respect, Fellowship

Christ-directed, Purpose-driven, Prayer-led, Collaborative-based, Service-oriented
What We Believe
1. We believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God and is written by Holy men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
2. We believe in the Triune nature of God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that all three are one
3. We believe man was created in the image of God, but was separated by sin through disobedience
4. We believe Jesus, the eternal Son of God, took upon Himself the form of a man by means of the virgin birth, yet retained His deity, being at the same time very God and very man
5. We believe that atonement for man’s sin was made by substitution through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ
6. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified Lord, in His ascension into heaven, and His eternal Supremacy as God
7. We believe the Holy Spirit which indwells is the Promise of the Father unto salvation and is an endowment of power for service for all believers
8. We believe that the ordinances of the church, as commanded by Christ, are Water Baptism by immersion in Jesus name, the infilling of the Holy Spirit and partaking of the Lord’s Supper by those who are born again
9. We believe in the “Blessed Hope” of the Church to be the glorious return of Jesus Christ and the rapture of the saints to reign with Him in eternity.
Weekly Services
Stay spiritually nourished throughout the week with opportunities to worship, connect, and grow in faith.
Main Service
Sundays 10:00am – 12:30Pm
Join us every Sunday for a time of worship, teaching, and fellowship as we grow together in God’s presence.
Mid week Service
WEDNESDAYS 6:30Pm – 7:30Pm
Recharge your spirit midweek with an uplifting time of prayer, worship, and Bible study.
Our Team
The Visionaries

Lead Pastor
Pastor Niran Kolawole
Born in Lagos Nigeria, Pastor Kolawole is a passionate international preacher, teacher, leader and life coach. He has impacted many lives through his sermons, teachings, Facebook live and YouTube videos. He is passionate about impacting the lives of young people through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and seeing everyone become who God had called them to be. He is currently a Pastor at Christ Apostolic Church (WOSEM). He currently resides in Stamford Connecticut where he Pastor’s the branch- Lighthouse Fellowship Center with the support of his beautiful wife Oluwatosin Kolawole. Together they are blessed with two beautiful girls Christina and Adejumoke.

Mrs Oluwatosin Kolawole
Also from Lagos Nigeria Mrs. Kolawole has served in a number of capacities in ministry over the years to include church planning committee, Sunday school, women’s ministry, special events planning committee, fundraising committees and emceeing various church activities. Mrs. Kolawole shares in the passion for lost souls and to see women, young people and the less fortunate won over for Christ.
Here at Lighthouse Fellowship Center, we are a life-giving, multicultural body of believers and our goal is to facilitate the transformation of people’s life starting from a community level all the way to internationally through God’s love using practical engagement.
We envision a network of like-minded Kingdom believers mobilized around the common agenda of reaching those at risk, restoring broken lives, promoting positive leadership and empowering people to live a purpose-driven life.
God strategically handpicked a blend of customized experiences to equip us to adequately execute His work in the Spirit of excellence.

Media Director
– Media
– Music/Worship

Admin Support
– Finance
– Outreach
– Events Planning

Youth Director
– Sunday School
– Children’s Ministry

LDC Director
– Usher/Membership
– Sunday Service
– New Convert

Prayer Team
– Prayer/Deliverance
Next Steps
Take the next step in your journey by deepening your faith, joining a group, serving in a ministry, or connecting with a mentor to grow in your walk with God.

Get Connected
Build meaningful relationships and find your place in our community of faith.

Get involved
Use your gifts and talents to serve others and make a difference.

Deepen your faith and strengthen your walk with God through learning and discipleship.