Welcome To
Lighthouse Fellowship Center
We welcome people from all walks of life to connect with God and fellowship with each other.
Join the Sunday Live Stream
Every Sunday at 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
We Love Serving Our Local Community
We are a multicultural Church where people come to connect with God and fellowship with each other. We connect with God through His Word, Prayer, Revelation of Jesus and Worship. We connect with each other through Fellowship, Loving people and meeting their needs.
Through the leading of the Holy Spirit as people come, we are also able to guide you to connecting with your purpose by which you are then empowered to go out and impact the world around you.
Become A Part Of Something Great
Our special events are created to inspire, unite, and strengthen our faith community while glorifying God.
Pastor Niran Kolawole

Our goal is to reach the victims in our community who are under oppression from people, addiction, or systemic systems. We work every day to help people build better lives.
Through compassion and strategic support, we empower individuals to break free from cycles of oppression. By offering resources, mentorship, and a safe space to heal, we aim to restore hope and create opportunities for lasting transformation in their lives.
What We Believe

Jesus Is Lord
We believe Jesus, the eternal Son of God, took upon Himself the form of a man by means of the virgin birth, yet retained His deity, being at the same time very God and very man

God Is Love
We believe that atonement for man’s sin was made by substitution through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ

The Spirit Empowers
We believe the Holy Spirit which indwells is the Promise of the Father unto salvation and is an endowment of power for service for all believers
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